Corporate Mental Health Counselling India: Supporting Teams for Greater Resilience

The relentless race to achieve business targets usually leaves corporate people with unbearable stress. This affects productivity and ruins the quality of life. Given this, if you are working in a corporate environment and experiencing immense stress and anxiety, start paying attention to mental health. Ideally, you should consult a corporate mental health counselor periodically. That way, you will go stress-free, become more resilient, and...

12th November, 2024
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Corporate Counselling: A Step Towards Healthy Workplace

You face tight time limits, team disagreements, and lots of tasks at work. Mixed with money worries and health matters, staff members get tired, stay away, and leave their jobs. Your workplace support services need to grow to keep staff well now. Corporate counselling acts just like health care for your mind. Staff members learn to fix problems and build good thinking patterns through regular...

28th October, 2024
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Career Counselling for Working Professionals

The right process of counselling pertinent to a career can enable an individual to identify, understand and explore fitting career options. Making informed decisions repetitively at different stages of your job will be easier if you opt for guidance from an expert counsellor. You won't face any dilemma when devising strategies to accomplish your career goals once you attend counselling sessions. Consulting a proficient coach...

24th February, 2024
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Military Psychology- What Role Does It Play in the Defence Forces?

Military operations need more than physical power and strategic planning. They necessitate a thorough comprehension of the human mind. Military psychology, a subfield that studies the psychological characteristics of military personnel, is critical to the accomplishment of military missions. Military psychology is one of the most overlooked psychological counterparts. Undeniably, it plays a crucial role in the defence force by boosting the mental wellness of...

2nd December, 2023
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Why is Industrial and Organizational Psychology a Priority These Days?

Importance of Industrial and Organizational Psychology - A company or an organization can perform much better, stand out and become more sought-after when it values its employees' well-being. Indeed, prioritizing varying issues that the staff often experience is of the utmost importance for employers. Taking appropriate actions sooner than later can help positively impact the well-being and performance of employees and the organization. The majority...

14th November, 2023
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Employee Health & Well-being in the Workplace

Why is employee health & well-being important? How to optimize it to offer a better employee experience in the workplace? Focus on employee well-being should be the top priority of an employer. Taking care of employees’ well-being shows positive business results. Employers must understand that well-being is more than caring for an ill employee. Understanding How Well-being Is Vital Since the pandemic outbreak, focus on...

28th July, 2023
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What Are the Benefits of Corporate Wellness Programs in India?

Corporate wellness programs in India – A responsible and experienced employer always focuses on building a healthy work environment to keep the employees productive. That’s the foundation of maintaining workplace strength. But amidst the rise of mental health awareness, implementing corporate wellness programs has become mandatory. Workplace wellness programs can offer the right support to employees, thereby addressing their issues. These programs include the following services:...

13th July, 2023
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Workplace Mental Health Awareness: How Does It Promote Productivity?

Workplace Mental Health Awareness: In this 21st-century workplace environment, taking a day off due to physical sickness is valid. But how often have you ever heard someone taking a leave due to their mental health? Many people think that physical well-being is more crucial than the emotional state of being. But your mental health can dent your confidence and hamper productivity while ruining your workplace...

5th July, 2023
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Importance of Workplace Psychology- Seeking Workplace Bullying and Harassment Counselling

Seeking Workplace Bullying and Harassment Counselling – Workplace psychology, focuses on comprehending, clarifying, and enhancing the attitudes and behaviours of individuals and groups within organisations. This field of study aims to apply this knowledge to address various work-related challenges. Workplace psychology research contributes to resolving issues such as psychological trauma experienced in the workplace, improving worker productivity, and effectively managing employee stress levels. Importance of...

12th June, 2023
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